Something Stirs……….And then i missed it!!

So the dust is still settling in Southsun Cove after the BIG one time event as i am writing this.  Did i see it???…….No 😦 I got my times muddled up and logged in just as people were posting all there nice loot from the chest into the chat, which made me furious of course so i thought i would come over here and write 🙂



So my version of events from this weekend went something like this……..

Logged in on my (australian) saturday and received all the mail of what was happening, it seems i had already missed the battle for lions arch where the lighthouse was damaged, so i was pretty sad i missed that but i moved on and got over it.  So i decided to go to where the letter was telling me to go which was a little town in the map of Kessex Hills down by the water ( excuse me for not remembering the name i have fish brain)  I just wanted to see…..and perhaps kill a Karka!!!!

I had heard about them  but not actually seen one in game yet so off i went………

When i got there i ran to where the event was, which was in an upstairs room FULL to the brim of people who were all complaining it was bugged and not working.  So went to sleep………………..Zzzzzzzz


Well Sneaky did anyways.  After waiting around for a lil bit ( about an hour) I decided to go questing with my friends.  I later recei7ved another mail telling me to go to Vaithan Lake because somethings happening there, but again we got there and it was bugged or at least nothing was going on 😦

Finally on MY Sunday i logged in again only to find out that i missed another event that unlocked the new Island 😦 Sad faces all around 😦

So i jumped on a ship and took myself there to check it out.


So Sneaky then went exploring which she does love to do and she FINALLY got to take down her first Karka!! At first the Island was a bit boring with no events going on, I wasn’t sure if there were meant to be events or only the main ones that i had missed but after logging on later in the night i found heaps of fun events happening and had a really good time.

I also have to say that Wow this place is so pretty!! I have a heap of nice shots to share with you:)

I also have to share that I, Me, myself finished a Jumping puzzle on the island ( no. not the reeealy hard one) but still it’s a puzzle and you have to jump to finish it and it only took me about 46 times, and this ones meant to be easy :/

But i was playing on Snarly and she got the loot and was so proud!!

So now it’s Monday morning (Aus time) and it’s all over and done with, i missed almost all the events but still enjoyed exploring the new island. I cant wait to see what Xmas will bring us???


You have to love the new Karka backpacks they brought out 🙂

And the new helm and pants set.

Sneaky taking down a Veteran Karka!

And Snarly lazing around in one of the huts on the island paradise.

Sneaky found some interesting bones under the sea???

Looks like an island paradise.

But it’s really not.








The Dragonbrand.



Ok so i know this place is meant to be full of doom and gloom, but when i went there……I didn’t feel it. Not because A-net didn’t do a good job of making this place doomy and glooomy but because i couldnt stop looking around in awe of how amazing it all looks crystalized and purple.

 The story with the Dragonbrand is one of the elder dragon’s ( Kralkatorik i believe) flew over that part of the land turning everything to Crystal including all the living creatures that were there at the time, they are now called  ‘branded’. 



Sneaky and her friend spirit watching each others back

Me being a huge lore fan had read about the dragonbrand in the books Ghosts of Ascalon and Edge of Destiny and yes it is more than i had imagined being there in the game. So here’s some Screeshots of Sneaky’s time in this amazing place. 


Yes you see it…….a PURPLE WATERFALL!!!! omg omg omg. Sneaky had to have her pic taken in it!



Some of the strange purple flora and fauna of the dragonbranded area.



Amazing crystalized bubbles that you can jump on. 


Sneaky doing what she does best…..posing for the camera in her new armor.


Sneaky getting to work on some of the Branded creatures. A purple Mesmer fighting a purple monster in a purple land !!!!!!


I think Sneaky needs a holiday………..might take her to that new island resort thats coming on the weekend for some much needed chillaxing time 😉.


Sneaky loves Scary.



And so this is Christmas………..Oh hang on wrong………..wrong event.

And so we lived thru Halloween to tell the tale of the Mad King Thorn……muhahahahahaha

Yes it was fun, In fact i miss logging in to go to the labyrinth and do my daily farming of the skeletons and mummys 😦

Sneaky had a chance to try a bit of everything, She did NOT succeed at the clock tower and therefore did not get all the Halloween achievements she was aiming for but still had a blast in everything else.




Living in Australia i was unfortunatly snoozing whilst the Mad King himself popped into Lions arch to say Gday to everyone, good ole utube was my friend that day, so after checking out what i had missed Sneaky went to LA to check out this new portal where our beloved Lion statue had once stood.



 He was looking kinda shabby poor thing before the King jumped out of it!!



So Sneaky being naive and thinking that she would be automatically paired with a group jumped into this new portal in La to go and meet with the mad king himself, she was pretty excited!!

Then upon entering realizing she was the only one in there she gave it a shot on her own anyway and died a very fast death. ( i have no clue why i thought i would be automatically put into a group, maybe lack of sleep??)



She did later group up with 4 others and after many falls off ropes and being feared over cliffs she finally defeated the king and then an hour later made it to where the chest was to claim her reward 🙂

Later that week the mad King came to Lions Arch and played the game he loves best Mad King Says.

We all had to do as he says or he knocks you down and laughs at you.  This game was a favourite in GW1 except in GW1 he didn’t knock you down instead he killed you on the spot, which made for some entertainment watching people keel over and die together that had gone afk.






Mad King says SIT!!!!!!

Another awesome thing with Halloween was the costume brawl, it brought out the pvp in everyone and made it lots of fun, even better is that even with halloween finished you can still transform anywhere in the world and start a brawl with anyone which is awesome fun!!



Over all A-net have outdone themselves with this Halloween event, and i think they have set the bar pretty high now and people are going to be expecting this kind of thing from all future holiday events etc. I hope they can keep it up 🙂

Now to look forward to our new upcoming content The Lost Shores………..


Sneaky hits the big time!!

ImageSo Sneaky has been very busy, and finally the other day she hit the 8 0 !! 

She would have hit it a loooong time ago if i didn’t happen to have alt-itis and keep making extra charactors, then playing them until lvl 15 and then deleting them.  The only other Charactor i have managed to keep is Snarly my now lvl 40 Guardian. 

So Since my last Sneaky update she has lost her beloved mentor in her personal story, which i have to admit I couldn’t stand her at first but then when she died i was sad 😦



And i think from memory she sacrificed her life at the battle for claw island, which most of you would have come across too since the stories all merge for that part of the story.

I was a little bit dissapointed when i discovered that all my friends had also saved claw island and killed the giant Blightghast the plaguebringer.

ImageSince that part Sneaky has give her Personal story a rest and has just been exploring the world as she does best. 

ImageRunning around with her many clone friends and wrecking havok on everything she comes into contact with.

ImageAnd sometimes copping it back just as bad as she dishes it out.

ImageThis veteran drake broodmother took her by suprise hiding around a corner of a boat, But Sneaky sorted it out.

Two of the zones Sneaky has come across recently in her travels is Bloodtide Coast and Sparkfly Fen.  WOW they are some pretty areas!! My screenshot button went into overdrive the whole time i was there. The landscapes change from one area to the next and i loved everyone of them.

So i have to share some of the nice pics Sneaky took on from her time there.

ImageThis awesome looking swamp area is home to some Hylek that Sneaky had to help, of course she was more than happy too.

ImageAgain who can resist a pretty waterfall?  Not me…….and this map had some of prettiest i have seen 🙂

ImageSneaky loving the palm trees and still waters.

ImageRunning along and come to a cave, at the end of cave is this beautiful hidden tree garden with a few different charmable animals running around. There’s also a very tricky vista in here which Sneaky is yet to figure out.

ImageSneaky thinking about relaxing in the sun on the beach but the pirates might eat her 😉

ImageDon’t you just want to jump into that water??? I think thats what Sneaky did after this photo.

ImageLooking up at the sun through the water and it looks amazing!!

ImageAbout to swim out into the big blue sea.

Another highlight of Sneakys time so far has been meeting Tequatil the Sunless. As soon as entering the Sparkfly Fen map i soon read in the chat people asking for time of dragon spawning…….instantly i had to get there and check out this dragon for myself.So off Sneaky went , she ran all the way to the waypoint to help in the fight.

ImageWhooaaah……..He’s kinda big!!!  Sneaky having second thoughts about this!

ImageEWWWWWW…………..his breath is TERRIBLE!!! Sneaky and friends running from the dragons unbrushed teeth breath.

ImageHmmmmm is my sword sharp enough for this???  Sneaky doing a safety check on her weapons.

ImageSo for now Sneaky is enjoying Halloween……..and will soon share with you her fun times with her mate the Mad King Thorn. Stay tuned…………
